• Upcoming Open Sessions

    Click picture or date to RSVP

    Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

    Just Ask - Open Q&A

    Let's work together. This session will be wide open for any questions you might have about teaching online. Bring your challenges and let's solve them together.

    Photo by Igor Son on Unsplash

    Creative Projects

    We believe there's nothing that can't be done online. As you finish out the semester, let's make sure your final projects are everything they can be. The only thing stopping you is your creativity. Bring your challenges and let's see what we can come up with.

    Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash


    The clock is ticking! Before you have to do the math on grades for your students, let's get a handle on how the Canvas Gradebook works. We can also work on how to configure the Blackboard grading center.

    Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

    Just Ask - Open Q&A

    Let's work together. This session will be wide open for any questions you might have about teaching online. Bring your challenges and let's solve them together.

    Photo by Uwe Conrad on Unsplash

    Planning for Summer & Fall

    As you start thinking about the courses you're teaching in the summer or fall, let's walk through some basic steps to get it organized either for asynchronous or remote delivery.

    Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

    Just Ask - Open Q&A

    Let's work together. This session will be wide open for any questions you might have about teaching online. Bring your challenges and let's solve them together.

    Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

    Course Walkthroughs

    This is your opportunity to share your screen and get immediate feedback and suggestions about the viability of your course. We can go through what is current or what you're looking to do in the future.

    Photo by Charles Deluvio on Unsplash


    The clock is ticking! Before you have to do the math on grades for your students, let's get a handle on how the Canvas Gradebook works. We can also work on how to configure the Blackboard grading center.

    Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

    Just Ask - Open Q&A

    Let's work together. This session will be wide open for any questions you might have about teaching online. Bring your challenges and let's solve them together.

  • Audio Recordings

    Prefer just to listen?